In The Field With GAURAV

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Ram is an outreach worker with community based organization (CBO) GAURAV, dedicated to improving the lives of male sex workers (MSWs) in Mumbai. He spends his days interacting with KPs, filling out essential paperwork, registering new HRGs, and managing crisis situations.

Ram joined GAURAV four years ago when he entered sex work at the age of 18. Last fall, he joined as a staff member to further contribute to his community. In his time as a member, he has recruited 2-3 of his peers to join alongside him.

Before joining, Ram had little knowledge of HIV. Over the past four years, he has learned about HIV/AIDS and how to help those affected. “That’s why I’m happy here,” he says. There are many problems facing sex workers, but as an outreach worker, he is able to directly intervene in crisis situations.

He hopes for the advancement of gay rights in India so he and his fellow community members can live more freely.